$5,000.00 USD

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I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during coaching, including my choices and decisions.  I am aware that I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time. I recognize that coaching is not psychotherapy, medical advice or psychiatric care and that professional referrals will be given if needed.  

I understand that coaching is a relationship I have with my coach that is designed to facilitate the creation and development of personal, professional, and business goals and carry out the strategy/plan/actions for achieving those goals.  

I understand that coaching is not comprehensive and may involve exploration into all areas of my life, including work, finances, health, spiritual relationships, education, and recreation.  I acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues and implement my choices is exclusively my responsibility.

I understand that coaching does not treat mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. I understand that career, business, and life coaching are not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment, and I will not use it in place of any form of therapy.

I promise that if I am currently in therapy or otherwise under the care of a mental health professional, that I have consulted with this person regarding the advisability of working with a coach and that this person is aware of my decision to proceed with the coaching relationship.

I understand that the information will be held as confidential unless I state otherwise in writing, except as required by law.  

I understand that certain topics may be anonymously shared with other coaching professionals for training or consultation purposes.  

I understand that coaching is not to be used in lieu of professional advice.  I will seek professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual, or other matters.

I understand that all decisions in these areas are exclusively mine, and I acknowledge that my decision and my actions regarding them are my responsibility.  

I understand that I'm responsible for all payments and will work with CYBL in a professional and expeditious manner to resolve billing issues if/when needed



100% Risk Free Guarantee

The investment into the Create Your Best Life (CYBL) Coaching Program provides you with lifetime access to the programs you have purchased.  I know that you will Create Your Best Life with me, & when you complete the work in the programs you will grow and change.  We believe in the Create Your Best Life Coaching Program so much that we offer a 100% 30-day risk free guarantee

For support issues or questions, please email us at [email protected].

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Create Your Best Life (CYBL) Silver Coaching Program

Take control of your life NOW, prioritize what’s most important, make confident decisions... LEARN TO TRUST YOUR GUT AGAIN.

In as fast as 30 days without wasting time.

Here’s what you’ll get inside of the CYBL Coaching Program:

If you’re a professional woman at a crossroads feeling like you’ve lost your passion, trying to juggle the demands of your career and personal life, it’s time to trust your gut again.  Elevate your leadership of self and others. 

 Signature G.R.O.W. Method

The G.R.O.W. Method is a framework for achieving a positive, resilient, and the Why Not Me Attitude. 

Welcome and introduction, sharing the details of the program and what to expect. We’ll “walk” through the actions and mindset to achieve the most impactful results possible. 

A quick and easy framework to raise awareness about what is going well and  where you need to improve, then provides a clear direction for you as you move forward in this coaching program.   

 What you'll get:

  • 3-part mini-series coaching program to benchmark various aspects of life, identify what’s going well and where to improve.  
  • Provides Simple activities to develop a mindset shift utilizing the G.R.O.W method 
  • Provides tools to build out an actionable vision & goals roadmap to set the foundation for this program.


Knowing what you want and being clear are the two foundations of creating your best life. Even if your intention is simple, it still creates your world. Identify thought patterns and false beliefs. Create a roadmap to get clear and know what you want.

You will learn to:

  • Diminish negative plaguing thoughts
  • Gain clarity and intention on where you want to go and why
  • Gain greater insight into your purpose and what is keeping you stuck.


  • Complaint Free Contract
  • Gain Clarity
  • Be, Do, Have
  • Awareness
  • Daily Mantra
  • What I GET to do
  • Reflect and Create

 To move forward, we need to go through a process of elimination. You will implement tools to uncover obstacles that are holding you back from your goals. Your job is to begin to let go of anything that no longer serves you or that drains your energy to achieve your next level results 

You will learn to:

  • Identify the obstacles holding you back and set up a strategy to overcome them.
  • When you only focus on what you want, opportunities will arrive, and evidence will show up to validate. 
  • Evaluate your mental energy and determine what drains you, which will allow you to improve productivity at work and at home.


  • Situation Awareness
  • Self-Reflection
  • Energy Zapper
  • Feel The Fear
  • Empty Your Cup
  • Attention Awareness
  • Gratitude-Gifts-Gains

You will learn to: Energy flows where attention goes, you will determine and implement your CYBL Ultimate Life Plan, setting up systems and processes that will now be a part of you and your life. You will experience a paradigm shift on how you see your future and elevate all areas now and going forward.

  • Gain confidence with new perspective and your most valuable relationships improve
  • You will use your RAS - reticular activation system to notice and get in the habit of raising your joy and fulfillment.
  • Create a filter using your values and priorities to determine how to best use your time, gain bandwidth and peace to be your best for those you influence.


  • Belief Awareness
  • Intentional Thinking
  • I Am
  • Slow Down To Speed Up
  • How to say “No”
  • Seeing Your Future

You’ll get: Leading yourself first is key in developing what it takes to lead and influence others which you have not mastered in Phases 1-3.  The business essentials components will provide the foundational tools to improve your career and professional life while also supplying tools to continue improving your life at home.

  • How to Create a “WOW!” 
    • Your organization and home has a culture, whether it’s by design or default –– and that culture affects everything you do. With this program, you’ll learn  how to create a culture that drives engagement, satisfaction, and, ultimately, revenue at work as well as create an intentional culture at home.
  • Maximizing Time Management
    • Time = Life, waste your time, waste your life…master your time, master your life - Alan Larkin. Start making the most of it with clear, actionable strategies to gain control of your time and increase efficiency, productivity and fulfillment in your life and team
  • Communicating with Clarity and Impact
    • Most of the time there are two reasons for challenges/issues…they are lack of communication or miscommunication. Using a four point model, you will be able to communicate your messages more clearly, confidently and effectively at home and work.
  • Improving Confidence in the Workplace
    • Once you believe in yourself, there’s no stopping you.

This event is committed to improving women's confidence in the workplace to empower success at home and at work.

  • Resources Library 
    • Content for the various areas of your life, providing recommendations via books, podcasts, video, that will add value for you personally and professionally.

Wrap up & Next Steps: Week 12 

We’ll celebrate successes, breakthroughs and new ways of living and thinking. This is when next steps will be determined regarding continued coaching or other programs. 

🏆 CYBL Coaching Program Success Components:

Simple and easy steps to ensure your results and elevate your confidence where you identify what’s most important and trust your gut again. And set up systems for continued success in your life going forward both at work and at home.

👉 Content:  Lifetime access to the on-demand CYBL Coaching Program Portal. You’ll unlock micro-learning lessons to implement at your own pace, reducing crippling overwhelm so you can stay in massive action.  Access online and via the downloadable app on any device, everything is available at your fingertips making it convenient for YOU. 

👉 Coaching12 weeks of focused coaching sessions that meet you exactly where you are. Bring your work to get coaching and collaborative feedback with CYBL coaches in the Group Coaching Forum. 


🎁 CYBL Community:  24x7 access to a private community of fellow go-getters.  Experience the value and power of like-minded women supporting each other on their journey while developing meaningful relationships with women who may be your future friends, clients, vendors, or partners. 

🎁 Journal 

Custom journal with tools and exercises providing a centralized place to capture thoughts, plans, ideas and ultimately create your roadmap. Can be printed or utilized online in a digital format. 

🎁 CYBL Happy Hour for Alumni:  We’ll bring members of the community back together to network and interact each month for encouragement and accountability.

🏆 You'll learn proven techniques to improve:

  • The most important relationship with yourself to ultimately benefit those you love!
  • Reduce stress and anxiety by stepping back from the rat race and implementing new ways to fill your life with positive influences!
  • Create your best life at work and home! Here's a hint: It starts with you!

100% Risk Free Guarantee

The investment into the Create Your Best Life (CYBL) Coaching Program provides you with lifetime access to the programs you have purchased.  I know that you will Create Your Best Life with me, & when you complete the work in the programs you will grow and change.  We believe in the Create Your Best Life Coaching Program so much that we offer a 100% 30-day risk free guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied with your results, simply contact us with your completed coursework for a full refund.


What People Are Saying:

As a mom, wife, CDO (Chief Domestic Officer) and entrepreneur. Much of my time was invested in taking care of my family and juggling my side hustle businesses. As I moved into the next season of “empty nesting”, I found myself feeling lost and struggling to know what was next for me. Working through the CYBL program gave me tools, a roadmap, and confidence to identity my next act of fulfilling my desires that had been dormant. I now feel like this next phase of life will be better than ever. Forever grateful!"

Deanna H.

After many years as a professional, working mom, I was at a crossroads in my life and trying to define my goals and purpose for the next phase. The CYBL Coaching Program helped me redefine how I think about the future, and I am now well on my way to create my future filled with joy and meaning!!

Chrissy V.

As a professional woman, I found many of my days to be unorganized, and consequently, chaotic. I was in a constant reactive state, feeling out of control and incapable of directing my life. That is when I sought help from Christine and this program. I was challenged to remove mental barricades, organize my money, and time, and find creative solutions to everyday obstacles. Today, I am ahead of the game, with an abundance of confidence and positivity and now have the tools to continue the momentum in my life.

Aisha C.