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Lessons from the Road - Wherever I go there I am

lessons from the road relationships rv travel
Walking on dirt road stretching in the morning sunrise.

We sold our home, our cars, gave away the majority of our belongings, and bought an RV and jeep to travel America. 

To most people, this seemed like a pretty radical thing to do but at the time, it was “not up for vote”. 

My world felt completely out of control
- a job that was dominating my life
- the demands of sports, school and other obligations.
- a constant state of stress and negative bandwidth

Maybe you can relate?

I literally felt like I could have had a nervous breakdown...It had to stop! 

I was sacrificing myself and my family to please others.  

I had this fantasy that by getting rid of most everything and simplifying, life would be nirvana. We did simplify big time and that is great!  We have been in some of the most beautiful places: Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Redwoods, La Jolla, CA, and experienced amazing activities like ATV’ing in Sedona, parasailing in the Keys, Horseback riding in Montana, and the list goes on. 

But my mind was still racing. 

I was still constantly thinking about what else I should be doing, feeling like I wasn’t doing enough… 

It was a year of major self-reflection (more than usual๐Ÿ˜Š) to try and figure out why I do this. Although, it’s not that hard to figure out since I grew up with an alcoholic father, witnessed domestic violence, and was a victim of sexual abuse as a child.

The truth is, we are all broken. 

When it comes to facing the demons that are lurking in our subconscious minds, sometimes the signs aren’t super obvious.  

For me, my false beliefs include: thinking I’m not worthy and believing that I must do it all by myself

Now, intellectually I know those things aren’t true but there is some deep-rooted messaging that I’m driving out. I’ve always been a student of personal growth so it’s been a journey of intentionality, trying to be better than I was yesterday. 

Just when you think you’ve done all the forgiving possible another layer evolves.   It’s about striving to be a better wife, mother, friend, daughter, sibling…human.

What about you? Do you go from relationship to relationship and it’s always them? How about moving to different places thinking things will be different? Are you in patterns with your children that mirror yours with your parent? Trust me: it’s not them; I’ve learned this the hard way. 

Something I know for sure is that whether I’m “Rollin” across America or in our little town of Cumming, GA,  Wherever I go There I am.

What do you do to let your mind rest and be at ease? Please share by connecting on InstagramFacebook and LinkedIn!

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