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Proud Mamas, Do we go too far?

motherhood parenting
Chalked sidewalk that says

What can I say I’m a proud Mama. I couldn’t help but brag…oops, I mean share how amazing my daughter and son are! 

Our daughter started setting her alarm, making her bed and lunch in kindergarten. Our son started reading chapter books at five, learned how to do laundry at six…this was about the time I noticed this fellow Mom’s eyes glaze over…Had I gone too far??

After having children, my wonderful “steel magnolias” Mother-in-law shared some advice with me in her sweet southern accent: 

dahlin’, the only people who want to hear how great your children are, are their parents and grandparents. Other than that, keep it to yourself.”

Well, frankly I was a bit offended because I felt that it should be ok, to discuss the accomplishments, strengths, and gifts of our children! Well, it is...but now I understand her wisdom.

Having been both on the delivery end and receiving end of listening to another parent go on and on about the gifs of their child and how special and advanced they are compared to other children, I totally get the vibe. LOL…

It is commendable to be proud of our children and verbalize that, especially in front of them. Letting them know they are loved and have our approval, these are components of a healthy relationship that reaps healthy children.

But if we get carried away... That’s when we invite the Grandparents over so we can gush till our heart's content and talk about those little sweetie pies!  

What do you think about bragging about your children? Comment and let me know.

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