Business Essentials


Time Mastery

“Time is equal to life; therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or Master your time and Master your life.” – Alan Lakein

We live in a culture of being maxed out physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally as well as in other areas.  Work-Life Integration is the new buzz term.

Investing in proven strategies and techniques to take control of your time leads to fulfillment and overall satisfaction personally and professionally to create your best life!


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Improving Confidence in The Workplace

Through self-analysis and discovery, you will learn how to understand the power of confidence and the “confidence gap” between men and women. We will identify the common barriers to building confidence, understand the importance of setting boundaries and how to say “no”. 

We’ll take an analytical look at communication style and simple ways to become more assertive and address the challenges around imposter syndrome.


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Communicating with Clarity & Impact

Overall, communication for clarity and impact is a skillful balance between precision and emotional resonance. It involves crafting messages that are easily comprehensible and compelling, leaving a lasting impact on the audience and achieving the desired outcomes.

You will focus on the foundation communication skills: listening, asking insightful questions, and recognizing the power of non-verbal communication as well as how to build rapport using simple NLP techniques such as pacing and leading which can translate into positive results.


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How to Create a “WOW!” Culture

Creating a "wow" culture within an organization involves fostering an environment where employees are motivated, engaged, and empowered to deliver exceptional performance and customer experiences.

 Every organization has a culture whether it is by design or by default. 

It is imperative to create an intentional culture that drives employee engagement which drives guest/customer loyalty and ultimately increased revenue. How do you do that? Learn how.


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Lead Yourself to Lead Others (LYLO)

It starts with you; it starts with me. Leveraging your thoughts to drive success.

Our society and culture have become so desensitized to the negative messaging being “downloaded” into our minds and spirits each day.

 LYLO will help you to raise awareness of what you “feed” your mind and how that affects the quality of your life both personally and professionally.


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Business Essentials Bundle

Best Value:

Get all the Business Essential Programs:
  • Time Mastery
  • Improving Confidence in The Workplace
  • Communicating with Clarity & Impact
  • How to Create a “WOW!” Culture
  • Lead Yourself to Lead Others (LYLO)

    $ 2,485





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