Inspirational Mind Food
Thoughts & Ideas to add value to your life

Christine M. Roberts
Coach, Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur
As a Leadership Consultant, Culture Strategy Expert, most recently with Disney Institute and John Maxwell as well as a Student of Personal Growth & Development for more than twenty-five years, my passion is to provide life lessons and tips to drive efficiencies at home and work for optimum peace, joy and fulfillment. In my own life, I’ve embraced the mindset: Why not me? It’s given me the courage and the freedom to run the NYC marathon twice, gain my Executive MBA without having an undergraduate degree, complete a sprint triathlon, travel America for a year in an RV with my husband and children (while working), and help countless businesses and leaders grow and thrive. I believe that BIG Dreams are possible because I’ve lived it and are still living it. I know you can too!!! “IT” is possible, whatever “IT” is for you. I will be your coach and guide to get you there!! Xo
All Categories abundance awareness balance belief drives behavior bliss career confidence connect conversation create your best life distractions double-edged sword dreams empowering family time fear focus friendships garbage in garbage out giga go for it goals grace gratitude growth habits happiness honesty inadequate influence integrity intentional joy kindness leader leadership lessons from the road let it go mantra marathon marriage meditation mind food mindfulness mindset motherhood new year no pain no gain organize overcoming overwhelm parenting patriotic peace perception perspective positive talk positivity ppt productivity quality time reflection relationships resilience resolutions results rv secrets self worth self-perception selfawareness selfcare stress success time management time out travel triathlon truth